Joining us today is author, Nicky Peacock.
Nicky is an English author living in the UK. She writes both YA and adult horror and paranormal Romance. In her spare time she runs a local writers’ group and can be found online through the links below.
When you hear the words vampire or zombie, what is your first thought?
‘Run!’ Zombies are one the only things that really still scare me anymore. I think out of all the potential supernatural creatures out there, they’re more believable as they could be born of science – the ones in Bad Blood sure are. Zombies are pretty simple killers and they tend to like company, so I certainly wouldn’t want to get trapped somewhere with a horde scratching at the door. Vampires on the other hand…well they’re a little more sexy. For years now they have been billed as romantic leads. Gone are the days of the jagged fanged, bald crooked shadows of Nosferatu. Even in the Bram Stoker’s Dracula Movie – the Count ended up in a sexy top hat and Victorian gentleman's outfit. Now if a vampire was tapping at my bedroom window, I’d probably re-evaluate the situation!
Where do you think the future of the current vampire/zombie/monster trend is heading?
I don’t think there’s any danger of them falling out of fashion. Zombies especially will be resurrected again come summer by the movie release of World War Z. The likes of Demons, Fae, Ghosts, Witches, and Angels are all having a turn in the literary spotlight – especially in the YA and NA genres. But I think there will always be a soft spot for vampires to get their teeth into and with HBO’s Walking Dead getting its best viewing figures to date – zombies don’t look like they’ll be shuffling off too soon either!
What genre do you write? Why?
I tend to write horror and paranormal romance for YA and adult markets. I write and read anything with a supernatural taste. I’m currently delving into the genres of Steampunk and Urban Fantasy too and am liking the new NA (New Adult) genre. I think these genres give a writer a multitude of possibilities and I like to have that control over my written world – I certainly don’t have it over my real one! I also think that characters in these worlds can be given greater depth and back stories. In Bad Blood the main character, Britannia is a 4 centuries old vampire – but deep inside she is still the sweet, innocent girl she started out as. Through the decades she became quite a violent person (my vampires don’t pull any punches) and even adapted a new persona to help her deal with what had happened to her; without the paranormal edge, her character would never have survived the zombie uprising – and it would have been a pretty short book!
What inspires you?
My mind is usually buzzing with something or another – I’m surprised I get any sleep at all! I read a lot and love movies and TV. In my head I pretty much live in these worlds anyway – so creating my own isn’t such a big step.
One of my biggest inspiration is my writers’ group here in the UK. I’ve met some great friends there and its always lovely to talk to fellow writers about projects and potential story lines. It’s so much more motivating to bounce ideas off minds that work the same as yours.
What is your next project?
I’m currently writing the next Bad Blood book and also working on a few ideas of NA series.
What is your favourite way to relax?
Going to the movies. Ice cream and a screen the size of a truck trailer – what could be better? I also love Pyjama days when you get to keep your fav PJs on, curl up on the couch and read, write and catch up on my fav TV shows such as (but limited to) Game of Thrones, Grimm, True Blood, Walking Dead, Elementary, Once Upon a Time, and Vampire Diaries.
“I am Britannia. I am
your protector. I will fend off the hungry hordes of undead hands that reach
toward you. I am your steadfast defender. I will stand between you and the
zombie masses as they try to taste your flesh. I am strong, unyielding, and dedicated
to your survival. All I ask from you… is your blood.”